Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CALIFORNIA STATE Appointment Training . . .

Appointments Training
There are hundred of opportunities to actively participate in government. Whether you are interested in a specific local issue or planning to run for elected office some day, an appointment to a public board or commission is great way to get involved and have your opinions heard.
Women are under-represented in almost all levels of government. We need enthusiastic women from all walks of life to bring a woman’s perspective to the decision making process.
If you need some guidance getting started, figuring out which board is the best fit for you, or the best way to contact the appointing body, contact us.
Women’s Appointment Project
NWPC CA was chosen by the Parity Project from the Hunt Alternative Fund to spearhead the Women’s Appointment Project in conjunction with California Women Lead (CWL). The goal of the Women’s Appointment Project is to have the new, incoming gubernatorial candidates pledge to appoint women to 50% of state positions. With the election of a new Governor on November 2, there will be over 3,000 appointed positions open within the administration and at least 50% of those positions should go to qualified women.
NPWC CA & CWL are partnering with the Commission on the Status of Women and other prominent women’s organizations, political, business, professional, academic, government and non-profit entities to get the word out to qualified women throughout the state to submit their resumes to the Women’s Appointment Project. These resumes will be compiled and submitted to the incoming governor’s staff for review. A website will be launched with information on how to submit in August 2010.
NWPC CA will be holding a Women’s Appointment Training session on October 9th in Fresno at our bi-annual state conference. To find out more about the Women’s Appointment Project and our upcoming training session, click here.

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