In President Elect Obama’s news address today, he says that our economic situation is very serious. 533,000 more jobs were lost in November alone, than expected. Todd and I heard last night that Chrysler, who normally closes its plants around Christmas time, will be closed for a whole month! Last month Chrysler laid off 25% of their white collared staff. The month before they laid off 1,000 white colored salaried workers! According to Obama’s math that is “nearly 2 million people without jobs within the past year”. Does this include small business owners who have had to walk away from businesses and their homes? He didn’t say. Forecasters have NOT been very positive either:
Gerald Celente recently told Fox News that if something isn’t done about our economic situation by 2010, that the United States will be seen as any other “third world nation”. Except on the holidays instead of looking for gifts we will be looking for food.
Senator Chris Todd said back in October if we didn’t take care of the banks, that there would be riots from civilians asking ‘why’ are we taking tax payers dollars to fix the financial mess and not allowing lines of credit. He says he sees big bankers lining their own pockets.
In November Nouriel Roubini, leading economist said he foresees food lines like we have never seen them before because of the policies of the Treasury and Federal Reserve.
Associated Press reports that “Alan Reuther, the United Auto Workers' legislative director, said the union urged the administration during a meeting this week to follow the provisions included in the House-passed auto aid bill”. But there seems to be discussions over whether or not consumers will purchase vehicles from any car company that is in any bankruptcy status, Chapter 7 or Chapter 11. I know I wouldn’t!
The next question is what financial institution is going to carry the paper on an automotive loan, if they know the company may dissolve?
It was bad enough just asking for the warranty provisions during the boom period from stable car companies, let alone one that you know may be going out of business. There is even a question as to whether or not the government should own equal shares of the car companies. This way, when any profit is met the government would be paid first. But this is not factoring creditors who are now screaming that they aren’t getting paid or standing to go out of business because they won’t be able to pay their employees. Everyone wants their guarantee and so far the Big Three haven’t done that since Chrysler was in trouble years ago when Iacocca was running the store. So the real question will labor also be willing to be an equity holder just to keep the companies afloat? Labor of course having the most to loose and hoping the senators will have a change of heart. Meantime, Bush will follow through on not landing the automobile crisis on Obama’s first day in office. "I thought about what it would be like for me to become president during this period. I believe that good policy is not to dump him a major catastrophe on his first day in office," Bush said. How considerate of him, why didn’t Bush advisors provide insight long time ago? Who was minding the store?
Even my insurance sales material have captions to shore up fellow weary comrades: “Selling in controversial times”, another “sales in turbulent times” and “customer service during difficult economic climate”; the latter to say the least. However, it doesn’t stop them for selling those seminars with the “magic words” and “magic motivational actions” for less than $350 for one day, books, tapes, worksheets included or often extras.
Obama you are right, not only are we not at ease and wondering what 2009 will bring. We’re wondering what other fall out will we eventually hear that was part of Bush’s executive order.
We have heard in the past four days that Bush nor Cheney have any regrets on their directives to “water boarding and torturing” prisoners; invading countries and lying why we went, responding with a “so” and “so what” when the revelations of the weapons of mass destruction not being in Iraq, but now they say “Hussein had the capability.” Since when is someone capable, the same as having something? I’m capable of being a fine millionaires living in a fine mansion with fine custom made furniture, and a wait staff of five; maid, doorman, driver, cook and landscape artist, but I can’t afford my school loans. I am quite capable but I don’t have it.
Our retirement pensions are being raided, social security is said “gone” and that the economy can’t handle the numbers of baby boomers coming of age anyway, we are talking about funds that they have saved a lifetime to use. Yes, Obama we are out of control and the serious money isn’t there.
You’re announcing the SURVIVAL PROGRAM for 2.5 million people when you have a population of over 13,304,944 in Los Angeles alone? Seems like a drop in the bucket to me but perhaps enough to jump start the economy and the extenuating businesses that may capitalize off of these projects. Oh I of some faith only hope you can quadruple that number.
Terry Munoz and Mike Macini from Nielsen say that we need to also take into consideration that in the evaluation of the population we need to consider the influx of:
1) large land areas, 2) booming suburban rings, 3) widespread affluence, 4) an increasing Hispanic population, 5) diversified employment, 6) long commutes and 7) the presence of lifestyle shopping centers.
I think this is interesting because if you have been to the mall lately, suburban rings aren’t booming, some are like ghost towns. Shopping this close to the holidays may be pretty tame almost relaxing experience, but everyone knows this is odd, not normal. You run into a few people with ample time to gaze and look around. Yes, I have a few friends who look at shopping as some sort of spiritual event, even the Merry go round was playing classical gospel and church ballads and I don’t mean Christmas caroles either. Personally, I never cared for shopping. Give me a credit card and access to a computer website and I’ll find in in 3 minutes or less. Parking is a lot easier and the sale teams seem more attentive than usual they even volunteer to “go look in the back” for your size. Could it be their commission jobs are on the line also? As for widespread affluence, I can say I have seen our population dwindle in affluence, but the fast food joints don’t seem to be hearting for lines, went to Denny’s for breakfast, there was only two other couples. Three months ago, we’d have to wait at least 20 minutes before seating.
Now as far as the Hispanic population goes, I don’t know how this affects a true evaluation but the Hispanic population where I live are trying to make it like everyone else. Haven’t seen any looking for a handout, they speak, they wave and they stay to themselves. Why does it seem like some folks always have to dump on another race or group of people, just to feel good about themselves? How is that for shallow?
The long commutes. Well if you live in Southern California it is a given. Thank God for the Saudi’s at least gas is still $1.46 per gallon but how long will that little gem last or was that a “Bushes are our friends” deal? The last element in observing the population is the lifestyle shopping malls and I believe I covered that already.
A Wall Street and Main Street address to rebuilding the United States infrastructure sounds promising and I agree we need to reduce our dependence on oil. Not throwing more money on top of bad promises seems to relief the headache. Still can’t tell why it was OK to just hand over money to the financial wizards and take the Big Three through “hell” for 1/8 the amount we spend on the two wars. Maybe this will put other industries on notice, no plan, no pattern of following through, no apparent respect that you have your hat in hand when you come seeking and twirl for the media all seem like good ideas at this time. To be competitive with the rest of the world seems a bit premature considering the whole world seems to be in this financial fix. However it seems Federal buildings utilizing green energy efficiency standards would be a plus; new investments in highways, bridges, and roads. OK. I wasn’t sure if the states must match the funds necessarily as the investment in their ½ of the state funds. Does anyone know the answer to this one?
Upgrading schools so that they are habitable I believe is a plus. I can remember substituting at schools with broken, wet, stained, aged tile roofs, faulty electrical wiring, ancient 380 and 420 computers, lousy flickering lighting, and non insulated rooms. We won’t even get into the too tight desks, rickety chairs, chicken wired windows, dated books, low on supplies, teachers sponsoring science and art projects from their personal pockets and PA systems “that use to work”. I believe the wideband adoption is very necessary to improve many schools computer technology. I can’t believe we are the 15th nation in the world and we created the technology.
Connecting libraries with other libraries is a plus. Maybe if we will know where the books are we could have a better inventory. We could have more to share with the children and students. Hospitals w/new medical record technology, who have databases that are current and connect from one hospital to another, will increase accessibility and ability to diagnose patients quicker and saving lives in the process.
Who would have thought that simplicity is where to start?
But this doesn’t mean more financial bailouts and ignoring the main street guy in the new house which is 1/3 to ½ the cost it was when he originally signed his mortgage with the hidden triple interest increase. Maybe American Express Credit Card Company won’t continue to increase their credit interest rates to keep people from spending.
But I believe that is something Obama you really need to look into, because if these companies are benefitting from our tax dollars, the least we can do is be able to utilize the credit unless they know that we are inevitably falling down and there is no stopping but hope.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Cut the Crap . . .
WELL IT IS ABOUT TIME that we understand that the attention needs to be put on our national financial crisis and to hell with political affiliation. Repeat after me, “we are in a financial crisis that defies anything we ever understood in the l930’s". again, "we are in a financial crisis that defies anthing we ever understood in the 1930's".
The Great Depression will become a whimper if we don’t figure this one out and delicately transplant “reason”, “responsibility” and extricate finger pointing. We all knew the expense that would incur due to the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars. We all knew that Bush had taken our foreign policy into “no man’s land”, raising the ire of his own father, who even sent in Gates as part of the Cavalry. We knew that world leaders have spoken out against the Bush Doctrine. We knew “so what” and “so” were pretty much the criterions for many of the decision making that was occurring, while our federal legislatures stood by, watched, gave cursory responses without any teeth and were afraid to speak out for fear of not being re-elected.
Remember the first course of action that Pelosi said after being nominated Speaker of the House was to say that there would be “no impeachment” of Bush. I never understood her rationale and one day when I get the opportunity to speaking to her, I’ll truly ask that question.
Why are we acting so surprised now? Bush has less than 40 days left, yes there will always be those hardliners who can’t find fault in his behavior or decision making no matter how many American leaders from all political persuasions complained, wrote books, lectured, and filed law suits. . Meantime, let’s solidify the country, get the facts together, agree to agree that there are higher proprieties needing solving and the Governor of Illinois just needs to take his ball and bat and go home. Who in the Democratic Party is bold enough to step in and take this “stupid” distraction away? Now they are implying that Obama had something to do with the conversations that “BLAG” has been making regarding the sell of his senate seat? The man brought in $660 million dollars to his campaign for President, why would he need to play games with “BLAG”? Blag has his own agenda and should be STOPPED while the getting is good. Then they need to go and disinfect the entire office and maybe burn some candles and incense to get the “evil spirit” out of its offices. Three governors, all in a row? Something is definitely wrong there. Why don’t all Main street voters agree that we have had enough excuses already and agree to turn the page and extradict the negativity and fraudulent players.
I like what Newt Gingrich said:
In a time when America is facing real challenges, Republicans should be working to help the incoming President succeed in meeting them, regardless of his Party.
From now until the inaugural, Republicans should be offering to help the President-elect prepare to take office.
Furthermore, once President Obama takes office, Republicans should be eager to work with him when he is right, and, when he is wrong, offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him.
This is the only way the Republican Party will become known as the "better solutions" party, not just an opposition party. And this is the only way Republicans will ever regain the trust of the voters to return to the majority.
This ad is a terrible signal to be sending about both the goals of the Republican Party in the midst of the nation's troubled economic times and about whether we have actually learned anything from the defeats of 2006 and 2008.
Yes, I am cheering Gingrich, this time, because right is right and wrong is often very wrong in politics . . .
The Great Depression will become a whimper if we don’t figure this one out and delicately transplant “reason”, “responsibility” and extricate finger pointing. We all knew the expense that would incur due to the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars. We all knew that Bush had taken our foreign policy into “no man’s land”, raising the ire of his own father, who even sent in Gates as part of the Cavalry. We knew that world leaders have spoken out against the Bush Doctrine. We knew “so what” and “so” were pretty much the criterions for many of the decision making that was occurring, while our federal legislatures stood by, watched, gave cursory responses without any teeth and were afraid to speak out for fear of not being re-elected.
Remember the first course of action that Pelosi said after being nominated Speaker of the House was to say that there would be “no impeachment” of Bush. I never understood her rationale and one day when I get the opportunity to speaking to her, I’ll truly ask that question.
Why are we acting so surprised now? Bush has less than 40 days left, yes there will always be those hardliners who can’t find fault in his behavior or decision making no matter how many American leaders from all political persuasions complained, wrote books, lectured, and filed law suits. . Meantime, let’s solidify the country, get the facts together, agree to agree that there are higher proprieties needing solving and the Governor of Illinois just needs to take his ball and bat and go home. Who in the Democratic Party is bold enough to step in and take this “stupid” distraction away? Now they are implying that Obama had something to do with the conversations that “BLAG” has been making regarding the sell of his senate seat? The man brought in $660 million dollars to his campaign for President, why would he need to play games with “BLAG”? Blag has his own agenda and should be STOPPED while the getting is good. Then they need to go and disinfect the entire office and maybe burn some candles and incense to get the “evil spirit” out of its offices. Three governors, all in a row? Something is definitely wrong there. Why don’t all Main street voters agree that we have had enough excuses already and agree to turn the page and extradict the negativity and fraudulent players.
I like what Newt Gingrich said:
In a time when America is facing real challenges, Republicans should be working to help the incoming President succeed in meeting them, regardless of his Party.
From now until the inaugural, Republicans should be offering to help the President-elect prepare to take office.
Furthermore, once President Obama takes office, Republicans should be eager to work with him when he is right, and, when he is wrong, offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him.
This is the only way the Republican Party will become known as the "better solutions" party, not just an opposition party. And this is the only way Republicans will ever regain the trust of the voters to return to the majority.
This ad is a terrible signal to be sending about both the goals of the Republican Party in the midst of the nation's troubled economic times and about whether we have actually learned anything from the defeats of 2006 and 2008.
Yes, I am cheering Gingrich, this time, because right is right and wrong is often very wrong in politics . . .
WELL IT IS ABOUT TIME that we understand that the attention needs to be put on our national financial crisis and to hell with political affiliation. Repeat after me, “we are in a financial crisis that defies anything we ever understood in the l930’s". again, "we are in a financial crisis that defies anthing we ever understood in the 1930's".
The Great Depression will become a whimper if we don’t figure this one out and delicately transplant “reason”, “responsibility” and extricate finger pointing. We all knew the expense that would incur due to the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars. We all knew that Bush had taken our foreign policy into “no man’s land”, raising the ire of his own father, who even sent in Gates as part of the Cavalry. We knew that world leaders have spoken out against the Bush Doctrine. We knew “so what” and “so” were pretty much the criterions for many of the decision making that was occurring, while our federal legislatures stood by, watched, gave cursory responses without any teeth and were afraid to speak out for fear of not being re-elected.
Remember the first course of action that Pelosi said after being nominated Speaker of the House was to say that there would be “no impeachment” of Bush. I never understood her rationale and one day when I get the opportunity to speaking to her, I’ll truly ask that question.
Why are we acting so surprised now? Bush has less than 40 days left, yes there will always be those hardliners who can’t find fault in his behavior or decision making no matter how many American leaders from all political persuasions complained, wrote books, lectured, and filed law suits. . Meantime, let’s solidify the country, get the facts together, agree to agree that there are higher proprieties needing solving and the Governor of Illinois just needs to take his ball and bat and go home. Who in the Democratic Party is bold enough to step in and take this “stupid” distraction away? Now they are implying that Obama had something to do with the conversations that “BLAG” has been making regarding the sell of his senate seat? The man brought in $660 million dollars to his campaign for President, why would he need to play games with “BLAG”? Blag has his own agenda and should be STOPPED while the getting is good. Then they need to go and disinfect the entire office and maybe burn some candles and incense to get the “evil spirit” out of its offices. Three governors, all in a row? Something is definitely wrong there. Why don’t all Main street voters agree that we have had enough excuses already and agree to turn the page and extradict the negativity and fraudulent players.
I like what Newt Gingrich said:
In a time when America is facing real challenges, Republicans should be working to help the incoming President succeed in meeting them, regardless of his Party.
From now until the inaugural, Republicans should be offering to help the President-elect prepare to take office.
Furthermore, once President Obama takes office, Republicans should be eager to work with him when he is right, and, when he is wrong, offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him.
This is the only way the Republican Party will become known as the "better solutions" party, not just an opposition party. And this is the only way Republicans will ever regain the trust of the voters to return to the majority.
This ad is a terrible signal to be sending about both the goals of the Republican Party in the midst of the nation's troubled economic times and about whether we have actually learned anything from the defeats of 2006 and 2008.
Yes, I am cheering Gingrich, this time, because right is right and wrong is often very wrong in politics . . .
The Great Depression will become a whimper if we don’t figure this one out and delicately transplant “reason”, “responsibility” and extricate finger pointing. We all knew the expense that would incur due to the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars. We all knew that Bush had taken our foreign policy into “no man’s land”, raising the ire of his own father, who even sent in Gates as part of the Cavalry. We knew that world leaders have spoken out against the Bush Doctrine. We knew “so what” and “so” were pretty much the criterions for many of the decision making that was occurring, while our federal legislatures stood by, watched, gave cursory responses without any teeth and were afraid to speak out for fear of not being re-elected.
Remember the first course of action that Pelosi said after being nominated Speaker of the House was to say that there would be “no impeachment” of Bush. I never understood her rationale and one day when I get the opportunity to speaking to her, I’ll truly ask that question.
Why are we acting so surprised now? Bush has less than 40 days left, yes there will always be those hardliners who can’t find fault in his behavior or decision making no matter how many American leaders from all political persuasions complained, wrote books, lectured, and filed law suits. . Meantime, let’s solidify the country, get the facts together, agree to agree that there are higher proprieties needing solving and the Governor of Illinois just needs to take his ball and bat and go home. Who in the Democratic Party is bold enough to step in and take this “stupid” distraction away? Now they are implying that Obama had something to do with the conversations that “BLAG” has been making regarding the sell of his senate seat? The man brought in $660 million dollars to his campaign for President, why would he need to play games with “BLAG”? Blag has his own agenda and should be STOPPED while the getting is good. Then they need to go and disinfect the entire office and maybe burn some candles and incense to get the “evil spirit” out of its offices. Three governors, all in a row? Something is definitely wrong there. Why don’t all Main street voters agree that we have had enough excuses already and agree to turn the page and extradict the negativity and fraudulent players.
I like what Newt Gingrich said:
In a time when America is facing real challenges, Republicans should be working to help the incoming President succeed in meeting them, regardless of his Party.
From now until the inaugural, Republicans should be offering to help the President-elect prepare to take office.
Furthermore, once President Obama takes office, Republicans should be eager to work with him when he is right, and, when he is wrong, offer a better solution, instead of just opposing him.
This is the only way the Republican Party will become known as the "better solutions" party, not just an opposition party. And this is the only way Republicans will ever regain the trust of the voters to return to the majority.
This ad is a terrible signal to be sending about both the goals of the Republican Party in the midst of the nation's troubled economic times and about whether we have actually learned anything from the defeats of 2006 and 2008.
Yes, I am cheering Gingrich, this time, because right is right and wrong is often very wrong in politics . . .
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Failing Economy
CHAMBLISS BLOG. Depending on what you read, The National Republican Trust PAC seem to present Republican Saxby Chambliss is the “great Republican firewall of hope”, . . . keeping Obama at bay with the US Senate votes”. Maybe they don’t know that in the heavy Republican area that I live in, that Republican voters were hands-on in putting President Elect Barack Obama into office.
Then, I can’t tell if they are baiting Obama to come to Georgia because Sarah Palin is expected to attend several rallies for Chambliss or are they are in need of some stimulus to make Chambliss appear to be at least interesting as the run off between he and Jim Martin’s revved up feverous pitch contentious election. How much you want to bet the media will be analyzing her clothes to see whether or not she still owns the $150,000 RNP wardrobe.
Some people are even delusional that between Palin and Obama that people would pick Palin? Is this Republican claim nothing more than an act of building Palin up to something that she is not and parading her around as the pretty, false hope and leader of the Republican Party, while the real decision makers of the Republican Party wrestle back the reigns of intelligence and common sense?
Maybe Chambliss’s Republican friends have forgotten that Obama is readying himself to lead the nation out of a delicate and cataclysmic political, economic and spiritual state we are feeling. Something our current Republican leader appears to be having difficulty figuring out. One minute Paulsen is saying “bailout”, the next day he is exposing the possibility of “revisiting the funds available”, then a couple days he starts up again with “bailout”. Meantime, we hear the mumbling confusion of the glazed over look, baggy eyed, lame duck Bush exclaiming that he is doing the best that he can. He looks like he needs some serious bed rest. Did however see pictures of him drinking in Peru? I thought he was off of the sauce since he was 40 years old?
If Palin wants to go “save the day” hopefully unlike the manner she practically destroyed McCain’s bid for 2008 Presidency, with the winking, blinking and nodding, so let her go. This should increase Martin’s chances of winning, we can only hope. This should raise the circulation and subscriptions of the local papers, tourism and Republican swag. A good fight often brings the sincerity, focus, and activism out of the voters. . .
As an observer many of the attacks on Palin seem, to be coming from those that know her well and are willing to share those experiences with the media. This doesn’t count for the numerous times that Palin wasn’t able to complete a full sentence and change topics to appeal to her intellectual strengths which Republican commentators have repetitively attacked for incoherence.
It was McCain’s people reporting the money being spent on “my lady Palin” and the behind the scenes emotional upheaval you usually don’t know about until it comes book form after the inaugural activities, but apparently the A-team was so bamboozled by Palin’s behavior, the magazines and newspapers received the leaks before the books could be published. Whether or not these incidents are true, well again, it depends on what you read. I believe the Republicans can do better than Palin and maybe this was McCain’s final swipe at the Republican power brokers but who knows, looking forward to reading that book.
This doesn’t exonerate the Democrats however, I believe the Democrats too have a lot of baggage they need to release to clean their mental palates of the past disgusting eight years of snide diplomacy, an out trillions budget and to realize that change will require Democrats too to stop doing business the “ole fashion way” while partisan tit for tat drags the American people further into global economic chaos and contention.
The American people, have spoken, enough already, let’s get serious, roll up our sleeves, tighten our belts and egos, get those sugar plums dancing out of our heads, be ready to negotiate to the highest denominator, use the wisdom, education, experiences of all parties invited to the governing table and set our goals for a more peaceful coexistence with the rest of the world because damn it, there is only one planet to reside on. Amen.
SINCE THE WRITING OF THIS: Chambliss won the election. Obama never went to Georgia, he had larger issues to work on, like our failing economy . . .
Then, I can’t tell if they are baiting Obama to come to Georgia because Sarah Palin is expected to attend several rallies for Chambliss or are they are in need of some stimulus to make Chambliss appear to be at least interesting as the run off between he and Jim Martin’s revved up feverous pitch contentious election. How much you want to bet the media will be analyzing her clothes to see whether or not she still owns the $150,000 RNP wardrobe.
Some people are even delusional that between Palin and Obama that people would pick Palin? Is this Republican claim nothing more than an act of building Palin up to something that she is not and parading her around as the pretty, false hope and leader of the Republican Party, while the real decision makers of the Republican Party wrestle back the reigns of intelligence and common sense?
Maybe Chambliss’s Republican friends have forgotten that Obama is readying himself to lead the nation out of a delicate and cataclysmic political, economic and spiritual state we are feeling. Something our current Republican leader appears to be having difficulty figuring out. One minute Paulsen is saying “bailout”, the next day he is exposing the possibility of “revisiting the funds available”, then a couple days he starts up again with “bailout”. Meantime, we hear the mumbling confusion of the glazed over look, baggy eyed, lame duck Bush exclaiming that he is doing the best that he can. He looks like he needs some serious bed rest. Did however see pictures of him drinking in Peru? I thought he was off of the sauce since he was 40 years old?
If Palin wants to go “save the day” hopefully unlike the manner she practically destroyed McCain’s bid for 2008 Presidency, with the winking, blinking and nodding, so let her go. This should increase Martin’s chances of winning, we can only hope. This should raise the circulation and subscriptions of the local papers, tourism and Republican swag. A good fight often brings the sincerity, focus, and activism out of the voters. . .
As an observer many of the attacks on Palin seem, to be coming from those that know her well and are willing to share those experiences with the media. This doesn’t count for the numerous times that Palin wasn’t able to complete a full sentence and change topics to appeal to her intellectual strengths which Republican commentators have repetitively attacked for incoherence.
It was McCain’s people reporting the money being spent on “my lady Palin” and the behind the scenes emotional upheaval you usually don’t know about until it comes book form after the inaugural activities, but apparently the A-team was so bamboozled by Palin’s behavior, the magazines and newspapers received the leaks before the books could be published. Whether or not these incidents are true, well again, it depends on what you read. I believe the Republicans can do better than Palin and maybe this was McCain’s final swipe at the Republican power brokers but who knows, looking forward to reading that book.
This doesn’t exonerate the Democrats however, I believe the Democrats too have a lot of baggage they need to release to clean their mental palates of the past disgusting eight years of snide diplomacy, an out trillions budget and to realize that change will require Democrats too to stop doing business the “ole fashion way” while partisan tit for tat drags the American people further into global economic chaos and contention.
The American people, have spoken, enough already, let’s get serious, roll up our sleeves, tighten our belts and egos, get those sugar plums dancing out of our heads, be ready to negotiate to the highest denominator, use the wisdom, education, experiences of all parties invited to the governing table and set our goals for a more peaceful coexistence with the rest of the world because damn it, there is only one planet to reside on. Amen.
SINCE THE WRITING OF THIS: Chambliss won the election. Obama never went to Georgia, he had larger issues to work on, like our failing economy . . .
There is an appeal being put before the Supreme Court questioning the citizenship
of Barack Obama. A friend called terribly upset over there being a question as to whether or not he is a born citizen of the United States. The question is over whether or not Hawaii was a state at the time of his birth. There has also been a question as to whether or not he is a dual citizen of Kenya which would make him a Brit or not. I thought they vet you with the FBI, Secret Service and the IRS before you are ever even considered as a presidential nominee. Did someone forget to do their homework on this one? I can just see Schwarzenegger’s camp watching and paying close attention to this vetting process.
What will be even more heartfelt is to find a serious historian or political science teacher who can find the copy of the policies between Queen Lili'uokalani the Hawaiian queen who never gave possession of Hawaii to the United States in the first place and then let it be known how Hawaii became the possession of the United States. Now there is a can of worms I don’t think the Defense Department, Dulles, American Fruit Company wants to unearth.
Football famous quarterback O.J. Simpson, 61, got the minimum sentence of 7-½ to 15 years today, instead of the 30 year to life sentence some as some were anticipating. It appears that with no prior criminal record, remember he was found not guilty with the help of the DREAM TEAM lawyer group, so the District Judge Jackie Glass said that she ruled based on the current situation.
Check out the videos:
GUILTY OF ALL 12 Charges
What gets me however, is what kind of friend will set you up to take their property when they knew the property was yours in the first place, video tape your calling the establishment, knocking on the door, roughing up the friends and threatening them with guns knowing that they “your friends” were wrong and had stolen the property from you? So Judge Glass shaved 7-½ years of OJ’s life and is up for probation after 5 years, if he is lucky. The 12 counts were taken concurrently. Boy he got a break on this one! So the lessons learned here is that if someone has possession of your goods consider that you are not above the law to go seize them, even if they are “your friends”. The bottom line is that he went in and took their possessions without legal authority from the courts. Had he called the police department and pressed charges, he would have been able to stop the sale. You can’t take the law into your own hands. In his case Stewart, a mortgage broker, who they say barely knew him, and a couple other buddies drew guns in the motel room full of people.
Discussion has been how could that many large men fit into one room with so much calamity, noise and confusion without anyone getting shot. Yes, we are a country of laws and I believe Simpson got that message loud and clear today. The judge had the ability to show that she was only abiding by the law in her sentencing of what he did in the theft. She made it plain and for public record that any previous problems Simpson had had weren’t being taken into consideration at all. However there is some question that in the appeal that there weren’t any African Americans on the jury. There is also question of a couple comments made by the lead juror implying that he too didn’t want to think about the l994 killing of OJ’s Nicole Brown Simpson, ex-wife and her friend, Ronald Goldman. So if everyone wants to be so objective then why even bring it up? The fact that neither Simpson nor Stewart had had any prior criminal activities was supposed to be why the sentence was more lenient. The media pundits however are at it again, questioning why the underlying circumstances that led to Simpson’s theft ever given sufficient weight. One wonders if Simpson had plea bargained like the other defendants would they have reduced the sentence to probation. But then they say he was already on probation at the time. I can only feel for the children of the Simpson and Stewart families. Stewart hanging his head and barely able to read his concession speech is really behind the eight ball now. The humiliation alone should have allowed him less time, but the judge says “you had possession of a gun”, this is a sign of danger, . . . and had the run gone off and hit a stray tourist walking in the hallway, the case would have been murder” (or words to this effect).
There was discussion that Simpson has severe arthritis and as such requires strong pain killers. Pundits say he won’t be able to bring this medication into the prison system because the narcotics are not allowed. There has also been discussion that because of his popularity that Simpson will also have to be “isolated” from the general population. Remember the “special pillow” he required in the 1994 criminal case. So many people “poo poohed his pillow request” but how many of us didn’t run out and try that pillow to see if it relaxed our necks for a more sound sleep. I see them advertised everywhere now.
So as the wheels of justice move, Simpson should have gone to court even though he believed he had title. So from the legal point of view the thieves had ownership or possession of the Simpson memorabilia. He said he knew these guys. The question is does he have any avenue for appeal. Las Vegas prosecutors say when you have a gun in the process of a criminal activity, you go straight to jail. The point that OJ was contesting the possession of those materials didn’t matter but that he had every opportunity to seek the assistance of the Las Vegas Police Department. But what sickened me even more about this case, Goldman, who many have always said is starved for attention and for the money he believes Simpson has stashed away, was sitting in court like a vulture waiting for some financial windfall. So aren’t there laws against people stalking you?
of Barack Obama. A friend called terribly upset over there being a question as to whether or not he is a born citizen of the United States. The question is over whether or not Hawaii was a state at the time of his birth. There has also been a question as to whether or not he is a dual citizen of Kenya which would make him a Brit or not. I thought they vet you with the FBI, Secret Service and the IRS before you are ever even considered as a presidential nominee. Did someone forget to do their homework on this one? I can just see Schwarzenegger’s camp watching and paying close attention to this vetting process.
What will be even more heartfelt is to find a serious historian or political science teacher who can find the copy of the policies between Queen Lili'uokalani the Hawaiian queen who never gave possession of Hawaii to the United States in the first place and then let it be known how Hawaii became the possession of the United States. Now there is a can of worms I don’t think the Defense Department, Dulles, American Fruit Company wants to unearth.
Football famous quarterback O.J. Simpson, 61, got the minimum sentence of 7-½ to 15 years today, instead of the 30 year to life sentence some as some were anticipating. It appears that with no prior criminal record, remember he was found not guilty with the help of the DREAM TEAM lawyer group, so the District Judge Jackie Glass said that she ruled based on the current situation.
Check out the videos:
GUILTY OF ALL 12 Charges
What gets me however, is what kind of friend will set you up to take their property when they knew the property was yours in the first place, video tape your calling the establishment, knocking on the door, roughing up the friends and threatening them with guns knowing that they “your friends” were wrong and had stolen the property from you? So Judge Glass shaved 7-½ years of OJ’s life and is up for probation after 5 years, if he is lucky. The 12 counts were taken concurrently. Boy he got a break on this one! So the lessons learned here is that if someone has possession of your goods consider that you are not above the law to go seize them, even if they are “your friends”. The bottom line is that he went in and took their possessions without legal authority from the courts. Had he called the police department and pressed charges, he would have been able to stop the sale. You can’t take the law into your own hands. In his case Stewart, a mortgage broker, who they say barely knew him, and a couple other buddies drew guns in the motel room full of people.
Discussion has been how could that many large men fit into one room with so much calamity, noise and confusion without anyone getting shot. Yes, we are a country of laws and I believe Simpson got that message loud and clear today. The judge had the ability to show that she was only abiding by the law in her sentencing of what he did in the theft. She made it plain and for public record that any previous problems Simpson had had weren’t being taken into consideration at all. However there is some question that in the appeal that there weren’t any African Americans on the jury. There is also question of a couple comments made by the lead juror implying that he too didn’t want to think about the l994 killing of OJ’s Nicole Brown Simpson, ex-wife and her friend, Ronald Goldman. So if everyone wants to be so objective then why even bring it up? The fact that neither Simpson nor Stewart had had any prior criminal activities was supposed to be why the sentence was more lenient. The media pundits however are at it again, questioning why the underlying circumstances that led to Simpson’s theft ever given sufficient weight. One wonders if Simpson had plea bargained like the other defendants would they have reduced the sentence to probation. But then they say he was already on probation at the time. I can only feel for the children of the Simpson and Stewart families. Stewart hanging his head and barely able to read his concession speech is really behind the eight ball now. The humiliation alone should have allowed him less time, but the judge says “you had possession of a gun”, this is a sign of danger, . . . and had the run gone off and hit a stray tourist walking in the hallway, the case would have been murder” (or words to this effect).
There was discussion that Simpson has severe arthritis and as such requires strong pain killers. Pundits say he won’t be able to bring this medication into the prison system because the narcotics are not allowed. There has also been discussion that because of his popularity that Simpson will also have to be “isolated” from the general population. Remember the “special pillow” he required in the 1994 criminal case. So many people “poo poohed his pillow request” but how many of us didn’t run out and try that pillow to see if it relaxed our necks for a more sound sleep. I see them advertised everywhere now.
So as the wheels of justice move, Simpson should have gone to court even though he believed he had title. So from the legal point of view the thieves had ownership or possession of the Simpson memorabilia. He said he knew these guys. The question is does he have any avenue for appeal. Las Vegas prosecutors say when you have a gun in the process of a criminal activity, you go straight to jail. The point that OJ was contesting the possession of those materials didn’t matter but that he had every opportunity to seek the assistance of the Las Vegas Police Department. But what sickened me even more about this case, Goldman, who many have always said is starved for attention and for the money he believes Simpson has stashed away, was sitting in court like a vulture waiting for some financial windfall. So aren’t there laws against people stalking you?
SHOE THROWN: December 14, 2008 Is a day that I will also remember. We finished decorating our Christmas tree. We learn today that George W. Bush was making his fourth and final visit to Baghdad and had two size 10 shoes thrown at him as a sign of disapproval and contamination at a surprised news conference with Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. They were signing a peace security document.
Associated Press picture
and see the link;
Apparently one of the journalist sitting in the middle of the room yelled out in Arabic, “This is a gift from the Iraqis; this is the farewell kiss, you dog” and threw his shoes at Bush, barely missing his head. The same journalist yelled again, “This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq,” after which he was strongly held by the Iraqi audience as the police were being summoned. Before the journalist could be apprehended Maliki shielded Bush’s face with his hand. One must understand in the Muslim culture to have a shoe thrown at you means that there is pollution in the general direction of the speaker and impurity. The journalist was eventually wrestled to the ground with several men pulling at his hair and clothing. According to the journalist was Muntadar al-Zeidi, a correspondent for Al-Baghdadia television, an Iraqi- owned station based in Cairo, Egypt. Bush says that he didn’t feel threatened by the shoe thrower. He alluded to al-Zeidi’s actions as a political outburst that are found in America. But I don’t remember anyone ever throwing a shoe at a politician, do you?
As the video shows Bush continues to stand in the front of the podium and the American secret serviceman positions himself next to Bush. I wondered why wasn’t Bush swished away? How did they not know that there could have been other disgruntled individuals in the audience? Why Bush would ever think that now that he could sit down with Iraqi’s after all that has transpired is beyond me. He was there to tout the success of the surge in Iraq, which Bush says is providing Maliki the opportunity to put new policies in place with Adil Abd al-Mahdi and Tariq al-Hashimi as the two vice presidents and members of the Iraqi Presidential Council, to lower the deaths of Iraqi’s in the area even though the war in Iraq isn’t over.
Apparently soon after this, Bush was swished away to an eager and enthusiastic group of American soldiers. He referred to the surge as, “one of the greatest successes in the history of the United States military.” He continued, “Thanks to you,” he told the soldiers, “the Iraq we’re standing in today is dramatically freer, dramatically safer and dramatically better than the Iraq we found eight years ago.”
Remember last Thanksgiving Bush stating that he wanted to thank the troops himself, he was swished unannounced again to Iraq under other ruses to get him into Iraq and out before anyone had time to know it. However he referred to this year’s visit, according to the Reuter’s report, “calling the security agreements “a reminder of our friendship and as a way forward to help the Iraqis realize the blessings of a free society.” What kind of friendship would cause you to sneak in and out of a country if you are so beloved? Is this man a glutton for punishment or does he believe he really can go to Iraq and say that he is sorry for the anguish, pain, death and discord he has caused this country? I heard that Carl Rover, et. al are busy rewriting history to accommodate Bush’s legacy but this takes the cake. I’ve also heard of photo ops also, but to put himself in harms way knowing that the people in Iraq don’t like him; I believe is as outrageous as the shoe being thrown at him. Secret Service may use a metal detector to identify a knife, a gun, noonshuckers, spurs, etc. But who would ever think to prepare for a “flying round toed shoe”?
Associated Press picture
and see the link;
Apparently one of the journalist sitting in the middle of the room yelled out in Arabic, “This is a gift from the Iraqis; this is the farewell kiss, you dog” and threw his shoes at Bush, barely missing his head. The same journalist yelled again, “This is from the widows, the orphans and those who were killed in Iraq,” after which he was strongly held by the Iraqi audience as the police were being summoned. Before the journalist could be apprehended Maliki shielded Bush’s face with his hand. One must understand in the Muslim culture to have a shoe thrown at you means that there is pollution in the general direction of the speaker and impurity. The journalist was eventually wrestled to the ground with several men pulling at his hair and clothing. According to the journalist was Muntadar al-Zeidi, a correspondent for Al-Baghdadia television, an Iraqi- owned station based in Cairo, Egypt. Bush says that he didn’t feel threatened by the shoe thrower. He alluded to al-Zeidi’s actions as a political outburst that are found in America. But I don’t remember anyone ever throwing a shoe at a politician, do you?
As the video shows Bush continues to stand in the front of the podium and the American secret serviceman positions himself next to Bush. I wondered why wasn’t Bush swished away? How did they not know that there could have been other disgruntled individuals in the audience? Why Bush would ever think that now that he could sit down with Iraqi’s after all that has transpired is beyond me. He was there to tout the success of the surge in Iraq, which Bush says is providing Maliki the opportunity to put new policies in place with Adil Abd al-Mahdi and Tariq al-Hashimi as the two vice presidents and members of the Iraqi Presidential Council, to lower the deaths of Iraqi’s in the area even though the war in Iraq isn’t over.
Apparently soon after this, Bush was swished away to an eager and enthusiastic group of American soldiers. He referred to the surge as, “one of the greatest successes in the history of the United States military.” He continued, “Thanks to you,” he told the soldiers, “the Iraq we’re standing in today is dramatically freer, dramatically safer and dramatically better than the Iraq we found eight years ago.”
Remember last Thanksgiving Bush stating that he wanted to thank the troops himself, he was swished unannounced again to Iraq under other ruses to get him into Iraq and out before anyone had time to know it. However he referred to this year’s visit, according to the Reuter’s report, “calling the security agreements “a reminder of our friendship and as a way forward to help the Iraqis realize the blessings of a free society.” What kind of friendship would cause you to sneak in and out of a country if you are so beloved? Is this man a glutton for punishment or does he believe he really can go to Iraq and say that he is sorry for the anguish, pain, death and discord he has caused this country? I heard that Carl Rover, et. al are busy rewriting history to accommodate Bush’s legacy but this takes the cake. I’ve also heard of photo ops also, but to put himself in harms way knowing that the people in Iraq don’t like him; I believe is as outrageous as the shoe being thrown at him. Secret Service may use a metal detector to identify a knife, a gun, noonshuckers, spurs, etc. But who would ever think to prepare for a “flying round toed shoe”?
Monday, December 8, 2008

I’m sure you have noticed the amazing decrease in the price of oil lately. Today you can find gas at almost anywhere in Southern California for $1.43 to $1.89 a gallon. When I filled up my “on fumes” car yesterday, at Valerio, which is usually less expensive than “American name brands”, the car only needed $18.00. I looked at the 7-11 attendant waiting for the other shoe to drop and the pump was correct. I can remember when I barely got ½ a tank and coasted in hilly areas to save gas.
According to 60 Minutes transcripts:
Saudi Aramco was originally an American company. It goes way back to the 1930s when two American geologists from Standard Oil of California discovered oil in the Saudi desert. Standard Oil formed a consortium with Texaco, Exxon and Mobil, which became Aramco. It wasn't until the 1980s that Saudi Arabia bought them out and nationalized the company. Today, Saudi Aramco is the custodian of the country's sole source of wealth and power.
Over 16,000 people work at the company's massive compound, which is like a little country with its own security force, schools, hospitals, and even its own airline. According to Abdallah Jum’ah, Saudi Aramco's president and CEO, Aramco is the world’s largest oil producing company. And it's the richest company in the world, worth, according to the latest estimate, $781 billion.
Last night, the Saudi sheik in responding to Leslie Stahl’s “60 Minutes” question on “what is the foreseeable cost of oil in six months” said that if Ali Al-Naimi, the oil minister of Saudi Arabia who ran Saudi Aramco for 11 years before it was nationalized. He said if he knew what the cost would be, he would be in Las Vegas placing his bet. The special entitled, “The Oil Kingdom” produced by Richard Bonin and Kathy Lui was alarmingly frank about the recent increase in petroleum finds in Saudi Arabia, also known as “the Kingdom”.
Stahl’s concern of course was that recently the price of oil had spiked to $147/barrel. We were paying almost $4.35 a gallon for regular in July through October, in November there is a sudden decrease. He responded that their fear was that oil in Saudi Arabia was believed to be at a premium. Saudi Arabia had peaked out with available oil in reserve. However a new gusher has come in that rivels anything that the Kingdom has ever seen before. There is an increase of 260,000 billion barrels in the kingdom and that 200,000 billion more with a second discovery.
One is located in Shaybah, which means "Empty Quarter." is estimated at 18 billion barrels, under very soft red sand dunes, which is four times more than the 100,000 million barrels that the United States has in Alaska. 750,000 miles deep of highly concentrated Arab extra lite crude. So in 2009 the new facility will be implemented.
Khurais is the second location, lead by Khalid Abdulqader, project leader. It is larger than Shaybah and is scheduled to be the next 2,000,000 barrels a day still more than the total reverses in the United States. It is believed that it will take over 50 years to deplete the usage at Khurais alone. To get an idea of the size, it is larger than Indonesia and Quitar produce put together. 84 million gallons of sea water will be injected into the ground to get the oil to rise.
Currently there are more than 26 contracts, 106 subcontrators, and thousands of employees involved in this excavation. The construction steel needed alone is approximately large enough to make two San Francisco Golden Gate bridges. Cost $60,000,000,000 in cash to build the production field. The area is 300 ft across, requiring over 400 miles of pipeline. When this oil area was discovered in 1968 the sand dunes were too high and the economics to get to it was financially exorbitant to reach. Then along came the newest technology using the increased improved horizontal drilling process now making the oil more accessible.
The price of oil is a concern. The Saudis not allowing anything to be “jammed down their throat”, have agreed with OPEC to cutting their production by 1.5 million barrels a day. Iran wanted them to cut it even more and double the costs to bank roll their countries survival. And with all of this, we are lead to believe that price of Oil is NOT supposed to be a political bargaining tool. It costs Saudi Arabia nearly $2/barrel of oil. They want the cost to sell up to $75/barrel. They need $55/barrel to cover the cost to run the country and this price is where 75% of where their income comes from. The Oil minister stated that in all honesty, the “price must be good for the investor, consumer and producer”.
He believes responsible leaders of the financial market used measures to stabilize the banks activities and he will use the same measures to stabilize the oil market. Using those tools available to him to move forward and keep the oil market bountiful are his business concerns.
The question by Leslie Stahl to the sheik is, “Do they want to keep America addicted to oil?”
I believe with the cold winter coming up in the middle and eastern sections of the United States that you have to know that their response is “an overwhelming yes”. They are responsible business men seeking a profit and the they have the money and technological skills to modernize many nations.
Jum'ah said that they have invested $400 million in an experimental car with a combustion engine that reduces CO-2 emissions, increases gas mileage, and makes driving “more green”. This green technology they believe will assist America, their largest oil client, in conserving fuel consumption and their dependence on oil. I believe one would only need to recognize the amount spent on the experimentation. Yes, maybe Al Gore can continue to educate us on the effects of CO-2 emissions and the weather changes and then maybe the Kingdom may decide to invest in car production also and give the Big Three automakers a lifeline.
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