Thursday, May 12, 2011


Marcy Winograd For Congress 2011 team contacted us today and asks for Volunteers to help in the Volunteering for Harbor Area Phone Banking and Precint Walking assignments at 1300 South Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, CA 90731 (310)508-9234 and email

Janice Hahn (LA City Council) and Debra Bowen (Secretary of State) who both recently won their current positions in the 2011 Midterm Elections are running against Winograd.

Winograd, a Los Angeles high school teacher, has run for this position twice, losing to Janice Harmon who let the position to work with the Woodrow Wilson Foundation less than four months after winning the position.

For more information regarding the campaign contact:

This posting doesn't indicate the endorsement of the Democratic Club of Santa Clarita Valley we are just providing the information.

It is estimated that it is costing $1.5 million to have this special election since Harmon walked away. What we haven't been advised, is why did Harmon walk away after such a big fight with Marcy in the 2010 Midterms?

There is conversation that Debra Bowen, "the celebrated geek", is highly needed as the Secretary of State and needs to continue her campaign promise to the California people to keep the California voting process as clean and possible. Janice Hahn is from the legendary Los Angeles Hahn political family so many wonder why is she jumping so soon for the Congressional seat.

There is much to pay attention to in these moving parts of a dramatic contest of well qualified, polished and charismatic political women. There are no rookies here.

Do note that all participation in candidate contests can fulfill certified class credits and scholastic needs. Make sure you ask the candidate's campaign or field managers for details . . . Peace out, Minerva

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