Friday, March 23, 2012

President Obama weighs in on Trayvon Martin

We will hopefully exam the law and the details of the case. And hopefully all Americans will take the situation seriously and seeks answers. See for yourself. . .

Monday, March 12, 2012

Affordable Health Care Act

Understanding the layers of the issues in the Affordable Health Care Act will definitely become a larger issue in the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Comments are welcomed and look forward to a larger discussion after the "primaries" are over . . . Here is a position you might want to know about:!

Monday, March 5, 2012


There has been a lot of conversation regarding the role that religion can play in the next Presidential Election.

In the meantime, Rosemary sent the following graphic that is published in USA Today in 2007, by the Pew Reports on where the various religions are in the United States and what the percentage of the population call themselves "religious". The graphic shows that due to the rounding of numbers, the totals will not add up to 100%. So to some of my statistical pals this may seem disturbing and a cause for pause but at least they admit this is not an exact science.

Please note if we can find any other comparisions we will post also.


Minerva Williams